The Netherlands Pavilion at World Expo Osaka 2025

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands

We are proud to introduce the winning concept for the Netherlands pavilion at Expo 2025, Osaka. The Netherlands Pavilion is designed by a consortium composed of the architectural bureau RAU, the experience design studio Tellart, the engineering consultancy firm DGMR and the Osaka-based construction company Asanuma.

Netherlands Pavilion Osaka Expo 2025, installation design, Amsterdam, innovation, climate, sustainability, experience design, storytelling,

Creating a new dawn together

As a message of hope for a resilient future, the design of the Netherlands Pavilion features an anthropogenic ('man-made') sun. It symbolises the rising sun - a future empowered by collaboration and energy that is clean, unlimited, and accessible for all: a new dawn.

At the heart of the Pavilion, the Netherlands will present technologies that can harness renewable energy. Technologies that might even go a long way towards ending our dependence on fossil fuel. A transition towards clean and renewable energy.


About The Netherlands Pavilion

The Netherlands Pavilion is unique in that it is based on a fully circular concept and features an anthropogenic sun. Individuals and representatives of businesses, governments and knowledge institutions who visit the pavilion will discover new technologies that can harness the power of water, making renewable energy more accessible to everyone. The Netherlands Pavilion presents the innovative solutions that the Netherlands has to offer for tackling global challenges linked to the energy transition.


Circularity at heart

The Netherlands pavilion is completely circular. It will be built according to all levels of circularity, but also as a material depot. Every element necessary for the realisation of the building is identified, registered and documented in Madaster. The starting point is that all materials become available again, making the Pavilion a depot and a material bank.

‘Making clean, renewable energy accessible to everyone is the key to a sustainable society and a sustainable economy. ‘The Russian war in Ukraine has put energy security higher on many countries’ agendas. I’m proud of the Dutch design, which showcases the innovative solutions that the Netherlands has to offer and introduces visitors to the possibilities of a zero-emission future driven by circularity.’

Liesje Schreinemacher, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation

Project Data

Selected Press:


Members of Consortium A New Dawn (AND)
Images, Plomp

The pavilion was designed by architecture firm RAU, engineering consultancy DGMR, experience design studio Tellart and Japanese construction company Asanuma. These parties have extensive experience in circular design and construction and specialise in solutions for safe, sustainable and healthy living environments.